Mystic Dead
Friday | December 20, 2024
on StageOne
This event has passed.
What You Need to Know
Onsale Schedule
Primo Presale  Mon 8/26 | 12PM
Classic Presale  Thu 8/29 | 12PM
Public Onsale  Fri 8/30 | 12PM
Day of Show $30 - $33
$22 - $25 + $8 Fees
Standard $28
$20 + $8 Fees
Member $25
$17 + $8 Fees
Fees apply to phone & internet purchases
Event Schedule
7PM  Doors
8PM  Show
Times subject to change
Study Up

In 2018 a group of musicians got together for a once-a-month Dead night at the Captain Daniel Packer inn in Mystic, CT. It turned out to be a seriously good time that translated to more shows, more fun and Mystic Dead was born. Deep dives into all things Grateful Dead coupled by the freedom to remain true to their own creative individuality has been and will always be the mantra of all 6 members of Mystic Dead.