FTC Film Presents:
The Hexagonal Hive and a Mouse in a Maze
Part of the AI Film Series
Wednesday | April 9, 2025
on StageOne
What You Need to Know
Onsale Schedule
Primo Presale  Tue 1/7 | 12PM
Classic Presale  Thu 1/9 | 12PM
Public Onsale  Fri 1/10 | 12PM
Standard $18 - $20
$15 - $17 + $3 Fees
Members & Students $15 - $17
$12 - $14 + $3 Fees
Fees apply to phone & internet purchases
Event Schedule
6:30PM  Doors
7PM  Show
Times subject to change
Underwritten By
Study Up

A Film by: The Derek Jarman Lab

Directed by: Tilda Swinton, Bartek Dziadosz

Produced by: Lily Ford

Genre: Documentary

Released: 2024

Runtime: 1h33m

What if every thought was a movement, and every movement a thought? What is intelligence and when is it artificial? Can robots dance? Can they help our children learn how to be? How are we learning, and do we ever stop? What are the values and skills that we pass on as societies through games, crafts, stories and cinema?

Connecting scenes of pedagogy, work and play in four global sites, The Hexagonal Hive and a Mouse in a Maze invites viewers to consider the mechanics of learning. We search in the cabinets of a supercomputer, in the curve of a chalked letter, in the weaving of a basket. We jump down the rabbithole and seek counsel from researchers and public intellectuals.

Curiosity and the affordances of the essay form send us grazing, observing, and thinking through film with an open heart. In The Hexagonal Hive and a Mouse in a Maze, we wonder afresh what the human spirit might yet dream up as new and improved programming for our species.