FTC Film Presents:
The Thinking Game
Part of the AI Film Series
Wednesday | May 7, 2025
on StageOne
What You Need to Know
Onsale Schedule
Primo Presale  Tue 1/7 | 12PM
Classic Presale  Thu 1/9 | 12PM
Public Onsale  Fri 1/10 | 12PM
Standard $18 - $20
$15 - $17 + $3 Fees
Members & Students $15 - $17
$12 - $14 + $3 Fees
Fees apply to phone & internet purchases
Event Schedule
6:30PM  Doors
7PM  Show
Times subject to change
Underwritten By
Study Up

Directed by: Greg Kohs

Produced by: Gary Krieg

Genre: Documentary

Released: 2024

Runtime: 1h23m

Demis Hassabis has always been thinking about thinking. It started during his childhood career as a chess champion, continued to Bullfrog Games where he helped develop one of the most successful games in history at just 17 years old, and then followed him through his PhD in cognitive neuroscience at University College London. All this led him to co-founding DeepMind, an artificial general intelligence company with one simple mission: to solve intelligence. Like they’re running out of time, The Thinking Game chronicles DeepMind’s sprint toward creating the smartest machine in the world in the AI space race.

With extraordinary archival footage from Hassabis’ life and career, we follow every step that contributed to DeepMind’s monumental achievements. Hassabis leads the film — and his company — with the utmost optimism and ambition, forging a path where artificial intelligence can be used to solve any problem you can think of — and the ones that you can’t. Balancing the weight of the massive responsibility this kind of technology requires, The Thinking Game illuminates the real positive impacts AI can have, from a simple chess game to curing cancer.