The New Pornographers
W/ Similar Kind
Friday | August 9, 2024
in The Warehouse
This event has passed.
What You Need to Know
Onsale Schedule
Artist Presale  Wed 5/15 | 10AM
Member Presale  Thu 5/16 | 10AM
Public Onsale  Fri 5/17 | 10AM
Standard $51
$42 + $9 Fees
Member $46
$37 + $9 Fees
Fees apply to phone & internet purchases
Event Schedule
7PM  Doors
8PM  Show
Times subject to change
Study Up
Over the past 20 years, The New Pornographers have proven themselves one of the most excellent bands in indie rock. They’ve constantly offered new sonic surprises with every album, and 'Continue as a Guest' is their greatest leap to date. The group’s ninth album and first for Merge establishes them alongside modern luminaries like Yo La Tengo and Superchunk when it comes to their ability to evolve while still retaining what made them so special in the first place. The critically acclaimed supergroup will be touring in support of the new record while also playing a plethora of favorite tunes from across their expansive catalog.

Similar Kind is an indie pop band from Norwalk, CT. It originated as just a few friends jamming in a garage and has blossomed into a five-piece band playing shows all over the US. Similar Kind has played with acts such as Sunflower Bean, Bad Bad Hats, Hot Flash Heat Wave, No Vacation & more. The band is currently working on a follow up EP to their debut "Faces & Places" a project chock-full of indie pop, reminiscent of The Cure and Talking Heads, described as "dance-ready synth-pop. equal parts R&B, pop, and indie rock, the EP is a highly-polished, thoroughly-confident release".

The band has a pair of new singles "I Don’t Wanna Fight Anymore" and “ There She Was” their latest releases.