The Heavy Heavy
Wednesday | May 22, 2024
in The Warehouse
What You Need to Know
Onsale Schedule
Primo Presale  Tue 2/27 | 10AM
Artist Presale  Wed 2/28 | 10AM
Classic Presale  Thu 2/29 | 10AM
Public Onsale  Fri 3/1 | 10AM
Standard $36
$28 + $8 Fees
Member $33
$25 + $8 Fees
Fees apply to phone & internet purchases
Event Schedule
7PM  Doors
8PM  Sugadaisy
9PM  The Heavy Heavy
Times subject to change
Study Up
The Heavy Heavy create the kind of unfettered rock-and-roll that warps time and place, immediately pulling the audience into a euphoric fugue state with its own sun-soaked atmosphere. Led by lifelong musicians Will Turner and Georgie Fuller, the Brighton, UK-based band began with a shared ambition of “making records that sound like our favorite records ever,” and soon arrived at a reverb-drenched collision of psychedelia and blues, acid rock and sunshine pop. As revealed on their gloriously hazy debut EP Life and Life Only, The Heavy Heavy breathe an incandescent new energy into sounds from decades ago, transcending eras with a hypnotic ease.
Zach Littleton and Johny Lovan have been aware of each other’s existence since third grade in Bowling Green, Ky. — after all, Littleton “dated” Lovan’s sister in that era “mostly because we were both big redheads and everyone said we should,” he recalls. It took many years for them to start making music together, and even longer for them to realize they worked best as a duo, but since 2016, Sugadaisy has quietly built a substantial fanbase by simply being its weird, wonderful selves. Indeed, Sugadaisy is no ordinary band, largely because Littleton and Lovan are no ordinary musicians. One of their songs (“Space Cadet”) has nearly two million listens on Spotify simply thanks to word of mouth and some love from high-trafficking YouTube creators. They’ve performed live in shirts and ties and with their heads covered in pantyhose. With tongue more often than not firmly in cheek, they’ve largely released tunes rooted in guitar-based folk and singer/songwriter fare, but they also have punk, hip-hop, Spanish, and math rock songs itching to emerge.